i know this is all about the theatre but i can't resist:
1.) new Stars of the Lid: after 6 years SOTL are back. judging from the 2 MP3s that are out there from the new april album, it is time to get depressed and crank it up for some more ambient Erik Satie-loving goodness
2.) the new Deerhoof, FRIEND OPPORTUNITY: if your high school marching band weren't a bunch of losers, they'd make music as kicking as this.
3.) BRACKEN: with hood on sabbatical for another year, this solo outing will have to do, but the track "heathen" is reminding me why i loved COLD HOUSE and why you should too.
4.) THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE QUEEN: you can hate damon albarn all you want but this stuff is GOOD, hauntology for the masses
5.) the new Bloc Party, A WEEKEND IN THE CITY: ok, i downloaded it already. but it is damn good and deserves to be a big hit. plus Kele is family, if you'll pardon my lesbian lingo
honorable mention: !!!'s MYTH TAKES, deerhunter's CRYPTOGRAMS, menomena's FRIEND OR FOE, clap your hands and say yeah (surprise! since i wasn't excited about the first).
recent buys: Burial s/t, The Skaters GAMBLING IN OPHA'S SHADOW, geoff mullen's thrtysxtrllnmnfstns, CONGOTRONICS 2, earwig UNDER MY SKIN I'M LAUGHING